SWOK's Only Brewery Set To Open in Duncan

DUNCAN, OK (RNN Texoma) - A unique beer-drinking experience will soon be making its way to Southwest Oklahoma as a brewery prepares to open its doors next spring.

Breweries are popping up left and right across the state but come April 2019, southwest Oklahoma will welcome its only one in the form of Kochendorfer Brewing.

"We wanted to bring an atmosphere that we’ve had a chance to experience across the country and Europe and bring that back to Oklahoma and to the community here,” said Co-owner Christopher Kochendorfer.

That atmosphere will sit in Duncan, just South of the Lawton - Duncan Y.

"Our production facility and our tap room will be here in Duncan and on that we have six acres of land that people can come out and enjoy the patio, walk the trails, just enjoy that outdoor getaway environment,” Kochendorfer said.

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